Kent College Canterbury

The emphasis at all stages is on communication, and much of the teaching is conducted in German. However, the importance of grammar remains high on the agenda, so the pupils are well-equipped to communicate with confidence and accuracy.

Learning German in the classroom does however have limitations, no matter how competent the teacher, so we do all we can to encourage our pupils to travel to German-speaking countries. We have an excellent, long-established link and an annual exchange with the Georgii Gymnasium in Esslingen, near Stuttgart. We also organise a sixth-formĀ  historical and cultural trip to Berlin, and a long weekend to the Rhineland and Christmas markets for all pupils learning German.

The German teachers at Kent College are known for their infectious enthusiasm for their subject and for their commitment to transferring this enthusiasm to their pupils. German has many similarities to English, is much easier than is generally thought, and the German teachers have the expertise and the determination to ensure that their pupils enjoy the learning process and achieve their potential at all levels.

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