Kent College Canterbury


We clearly recognise from the outset that the transition from KS1 to KS2 is not only a very important one educationally but also emotionally! However, to ensure that this runs smoothly we have already instigated some cross key stage initiatives such as the Year 2 Girls and Boys already experience Games Lessons, twice a week, alongside Year 3 pupils. There are also regular House Meetings, which Key Stage 1 children attend, and there are Year 2 representatives on the School Pupil Council. Playtimes, of course, are an opportunity for children from both key stages to interact. A “Buddy System” is in place for all Year 3 pupils, where they are linked with a Year 6 pupil and a House Tutor, from day one!

Years 3 and 4 have Form teachers who are responsible for their Pastoral care and PSHE, and may teach them for some but not all of their academic lessons during the day. This secure base enables them to flourish within the subject teaching system utilised within this school, particularly with the vertical streaming in Mathematics and English.

There is also a great emphasis placed on the essential skills of Reading and Spelling, building on the foundations laid in KS1, with regular reading to Form Teachers as well as maintaining links with parents via a Reading Record Book. Parents are always welcome to have contact with any teacher in addition to the twice yearly Parents’ Evenings and annual Report. Parents are given regular updates in the form of Effort Grades as well as appropriate assessment results.

A vibrant extra-curricular programme exists and we strongly encourage and support all Year 3 and 4 pupils to access this. Homework is set each day and should take no longer than 25 minutes and pupils may attend supervised Homework Club at school.

During the school year there are opportunities for children to take part in Educational visits which supplement the academic programme.

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